milper 23-202. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. milper 23-202

errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-widthmilper 23-202  This MILPER message will expire 30 May 2024 or upon the release of updated policies and AR 600-81

General (R) Wayne A. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration. NOMINATIONS FOR AIR DEFENSE KNOX, HAMILTON, SHIPTON, SAGE AWARDS – ADA AWARD NOMINATIONS FOR FY23. This message will be brought to the immediate attention of all commanders, retention offices, recruiters, and Army Military Pay Offices (AMPO). This update also included updated. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. United States Army Human Resources Command’s Post United States Army Human Resources Command 8,404 followers 14hC. Welcome to MILPER Message Index. This MILPER message rescinds MILPER Message Number 23-007 and all previous MILPER messages related to Federal Officer Candidate School (OCS) and applies to. s. PK !2‘oWf ¥ [Content_Types]. 1111. 1. Pub/Form Proponent. ACTIVE. 23 Jan 18 This guide addresses processes and requirement for applying, processing and approving applications for Career Skills Programs . g. 01 December 2021 promotion month, the on/about publication date is changed to on/around the 20th calendar day of each month. This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the. REFERENCES: DA PAM 600-25 . The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. DSN Phone Number: 983-9500. 2. Phone Number: 1-888-ARMYHRC. ½Cp8ÀZƒ G PŠÊ`öøM ×$ LbÙýº±ö*˜ Áh) ê|îÔ —ÁÆ!§ÉUOšé . Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/CUI or CLASSIFIED information on this system. i. At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. This MILPER message is effective immediately and will expire no later than 23 June 2023. milper message 23-095, fiscal year 2025 (fy25) colonel (col) army medical department (amedd) centralized selection list (csl) command/key billet board, issued: [3/17/2023 10:47:37 am]. Refer to MILPER Message 21-419 for additional information. Phase I: Archived Record Briefs - Ongoing through March 2023 Phase II: Legacy Format with live IPPS-A data – starting April 2023. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. Army Directive. xml ¢ ( ´”ËjÃ0 E÷…þƒÑ¶ØJº(¥ÄÉ¢ e hú Š4NDõB£¼þ¾ã81¥$14ÉÆ ÏÜ{Ï 1ƒÑÚšl µw%ë =– “^i7+Ù×ä- d. 9,108 followers. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the relevent and pertinent. government (usg) information system (is) that is provided for usg-authorized use only. 11. DSN Phone Number: 983-9500. Mobile App Updates. This MILPER message applies to all Active Component (AC) and U. COMPLETE - APPROVED (indicates the packet was accepted and will be seen by the panel) COMPLETE - Disapproved (the packet will not be seen by the panel) ETP Applications: You won't know until. MILPER Message 20-124, dated 30 April 2020, Subject:. Phone Number: 1-888-ARMYHRC. Contact via Email. . This MILPER message will expire no later than (NLT) 10 Sep 20. The board will recess on orMILPER MESSAGE 22-330, CALENDAR YEAR (CY) 23 ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) STRATEGIC BILLET (SB) SLATE RELEASE, ISSUED: [9/1/2022 9:30:58 AM]. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the relevent and pertinent. Commanders / First Sergeants should be aware of the updated provisions afforded to Soldiers, with the opportunity to fairly. Welcome to MILPER Message Index. All prerequisite data and duties for Enlisted Aides are outlined in AR 614-200, Chapter 8, Section II, paragraph 8-11 and DoDI 1315. This document also provides useful information on the training, education, and career opportunities for warrant. TAP helps transitioning Title: MILPER Author: PuenteME Created Date: 3/24/2023 12:45:04 PM Title: MILPER Author: PuenteME Created Date: 5/22/2023 11:48:49 AM Subject:Amendment 2 to MILPER Message Number 20-403, Eligibility Criteria for Officers Requesting Consideration to Opt In to the Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Promotion Selection Board (PSB) Milper #: 21-039. Many MOSs are currently eligible for selective retention bonuses. For questions regarding MILPER Messages, please contact the proponent of the MILPER Message or the US Army Human Resources Contact Center. Army folks-- there is a new DA guidance about participation in the Career Skills Program (CSP)/DoD SkillBridge. United States Army Human Resources Command. 01 December 2021 promotion month, the on/about publication date is changed to on/around the 20th calendar day of each month. a. Purpose: this message solicits applications from qualified active duty and reserve personnel. Unit Of Issue (s) WEB. 13M 40 40 15 15 2 2 2. s. The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations. 4. Enlisted Soldiers attending. 21-003 Proponent AHRC-EPF-R . If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to: Contact via Email. MILPER Message 23-038. S1NET Message Summary - 13 Jan 23. The ILE Board will consider officers selected for promotion to major for. Title: MILPER Author: PuenteME Created Date: 8/9/2022 9:31:38 AMWelcome to MILPER Message Index. Below is a selection of MILPERs that were recently published. The line of effort for processing early promotions related to the Soldier Referral Program (SRP) is changed from unit S1s to the US Army Human Resources Command. 6. This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. This MILPER message will expire NLT 1 September 2022. Effective 8 Feb 23, this MILPER message supersedes reference D and will expire no later than 7 Feb 24. It is a useful resource for anyone interested in the financial aspects of the Air National. A HQDA selection board is scheduled to convene 6 - 16 June 2023 to consider eligible AMEDD colonels and promotable lieutenant colonels for CSL. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to: Contact via Email. Questions concerning the location of the new changed procedural guidance after the expiration of the message should be directed to the message proponent. The expiration date of a MILPER Message and/or Memorandum will not exceed 365 days from date of issuance. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to:MILPER MESSAGE 23-454, AMENDMENT TO MILPER 23-306, SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2024 BRIGADIER GENERAL, ARMY COMPETITIVE CATEGORY, PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (FY24 BG, ACC, PSB) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [10/27/2023 8:01:30 AM]. What it Provides:Welcome to MILPER Message Index. What it Provides: MILPER MESSAGE INDEX was designed to provide a quick, efficient means to impart new procedural guidance and information to the field user. Army Directive 2022-05, (Army Combat Fitness Test), dated 23 March 2021. A. This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. MILPER 23-094 was published providing guidance for the new DD93. DA Form 3340 (Request for Continued Service in the Regular Army), 1 June 2018. At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. a. This MILPER message will expire NLT 2 Jan 20. This message rescinds MILPER Message 21-365 and will expire 26 Sep 23. Unit S1s should refrain from submitting IPPS-A – Special Promotion PARs on this specific SpecialToday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. MILPER Message Number 23-173 . Officer Candidates are authorized to conduct PT within the unit area during personal time. MILPER Message 23-038. This IS includes security measures (e. Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/CUI or CLASSIFIED information on. iPERMS Processing Time: We are currently processing non-board batches within 23 days of our established batch processing standard of 45 calendar days. G. S. George Pierce) Pages:8 This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 23-2, Management of US AirMILPER Message 23-038. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. Phone. 1. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration. HRC. h. Welcome to the Official U. 2. Any changes to the SRB program will be announced in a subsequent MILPER message. MILPER Message 20-331, dated 8 October 2020, Subject: FY21 Promotion Pin-On Eligibility. RESCISSION OF AUGUST 24, 2021 AND NOVEMBER 30, 2021 CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES, 10 JAN 23. A. Let me know if you have any questions about acquisitions (FA51). The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) Warrant Officer Accession. MILPER Message Number . WASHINGTON -- New changes to grooming and appearance standards are slated to take effect next month, as part of the Army’s commitment to improve the wellbeing of all Soldiers. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the. For more information and a complete list, visit. MILPER Message 23-038. 186Z". 2. . At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. MILPER message 21-239 has been RESCINDED. , authentication and access controls) to. MILPER Message 22- 402 for additional information (click . The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. EXTENSION OF COVID EXTENDED SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL AUTHORITY. Army DA Secretariat. While we will begin to stand down our In-Person OTSS, the Virtual OTSS being conducted by Team IPPS-A will extend beyond 31 March 2023 in order to continue transition support. What it Provides: MILPER MESSAGE INDEX was designed to provide a quick, efficient means to impart new procedural guidance and information to the field user. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. MILPER Message Number 23-231 Proponent RCHS-AN Title Amendment to MILPER 22-411 Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 AMEDD Enlisted Commissioning Program Applications for Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard. MILPER MESSAGE 23-114, ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-2025 U. 7 . If a Soldier requires a DD93 update before then, complete a manual DD93 and submit to iPERMs within 24 hours. Pub/Form Number. should be aware of the provisions outlined within this MILPER Message related to Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), weapon qualifications, and Distance Learning (DL) / Army e-Learning Courses. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. 01 December 2021 promotion month, the on/about publication date is changed to on/around the 20th calendar day of each month. Grant amounts are $250 for participation in a local CONUS CSP, $500 for participation in a non-local CONUS CSP; and $1,000 for Soldiers traveling from OCONUS to participate in a CONUS CSP. 2w. Welcome to MILPER Message Index. MILPER MESSAGE 19-202, PROCEDURES TO VALIDATE AND RESUBMIT NEW DA FORM 1059 SERIES ACADEMIC EVALUATION REPORTS (AERS) THAT FAILED TO UPLOAD, ISSUED: [7/5/2019 9:02:59 AM]. 2. Army Directive 2020-09 Waivers Submission Instructions and Document Requirements, 20 August 2020 1. instructions provided within MILPER Message 21-205. ARMY COMBAT FITNESS TEST. This message is used for Regular Army reclassification purposes. Can I participate in more than one CSP/Skillbridge opportunity? - No, please reference AR 600-81, 8-4, a (3) & d (6). Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Memorandum, “UnderS. For more information and a complete list, visit. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to:Record Details for ARMY DIR 2020-06. MILPER MESSAGE 23-028, FY 2023 ARMY SOCIAL WORK INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (SWIP) APPLICATION PROCEDURES, ISSUED: [1/20/2023 10:57:16 AM]. "Soldiers First!" Site Map |. Pub/Form Date. References in this message are being revised to update the definitions of Command Chief Warrant Officer (CCWO) and Senior Warrant Officer Advisor (SWOA) which are recognized positions. Current ALARACT and MILPER Messages. Contact via Email. FY23 SSG EB FQ LIST . Issued:[12/16/2022 9:21:20 AM]. ALARACT 009/2022. PERS-832. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. Unit Of Issue (s) WEB. The troops parachuted from a C-130 Hercules, 187th Airlift Squadron an active. f. This message solicits applications for the FY 2023 Army Social Work Internship Program (SWIP). The Integrated Personnel and Pay System -. EXECUTION GUIDANCE FOR ACCESSIONS AND ACTIVE DUTY SOLDIERS WHO REFUSE THE COVID-19 VACCINATION ORDER. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. f. This message announces the procedures for Military Intelligence (MI) officers requesting consideration for highly competitive MI academic programs in Academic Year (AY) 2022-2023. Contact via Email. s. 13M 40 40 15 15 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 6. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. #23-119: Fiscal Year 2023 Regular Army and United States Army Reserve Active Guard Reserve / Individual Mobilization Augmentee Command Sergeant Major / Sergeant Major. MILPER Message 23-038. Updates: As of Oct. Refer to HRC web address MILPER Message 21-458 by clicking . Welcome to MILPER Message Index. Refer to MILPER Message 22-436 for additional information (click HERE). John S. 2. Army? If so, you should check out this official document that outlines the eligibility criteria, application procedures, and selection process for the Warrant Officer Selection Board (WOSB) scheduled for March 2023. MILPER Message 19-256 The results of the FY19 Regular Army (RA)/United States Army Reserve (USAR)/Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Master Sergeant (MSG) Promotion List will be posted to the Human Resources Command (HRC) website for Commanders, Soldiers and human resources users to download on 23 August 2019! Download the MILPER:. ASA (M&RA) Pub/Form Status. C. The purpose of this message is to inform all units and Soldiers of the directives implementing DoD and Army policy for bereavement absence entitlements for eligible Soldiers in connection with the death of a spouse or child. 1. 13J 379 418 442 442 136 10 45 23 9 1 4 5 . The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. This document also provides useful information on the training, education, and. COMPLETE - APPROVED (indicates the packet was accepted and will be seen by the panel) COMPLETE - Disapproved (the packet will not be seen by the panel) ETP Applications: You won't. MILPER and ALARACT messages by date are available but some may require AKO Login. MILPER Messages – Unit S1 and MPD personnel and Soldiers should review the following messages:. For questions regarding MILPER Messages, please contact the proponent of the MILPER Message or the US Army Human Resources Contact Center. The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations. PK !väæz™ ± [Content_Types]. Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/CUI or CLASSIFIED information on this system. A. Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/CUI or CLASSIFIED information on this system. New Bonus Message Published! ️The Selective Retention Bonus Message has been updated with an effective date of 31 July 2023 - ️. This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to: Contact via Email. View More Details +. MILPER Message 20-434, AHRC-EPF-R, 23 December, 2020, subject: Selective Retention Bonus (SRB) Program. 4. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the. United States Army Human Resources Command’s Post. c. Subject SFC Evaluation Board. milper message 22-226, fiscal year (fy) 23 cyber branch transfer eligibility panel for united states army reserve (usar) and army national guard (arng) officers, issued: [6/14/2022 3:36:16 pm]. AHRC-PDV-PE SUBJECT: HQDA Promotion Point Cutoff Scores for 1 November 2021 and Semi. milper message 23-037, amendment to the fiscal year 2023 (fy23), brigadier general (bg), chaplain corps (ch), promotion selection board, zones of consideration, issued: [1/25/2023 11:58:57 am]. ¨ ñV‡º²Û`3÷BÑD­ { Ÿ…¥. 3. Pub/Form Number. MILPER Message. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. c8776 Created Date: 9/21/2023 3:20:23 PMLine Officer Designation: Qualified in Submarines. . Below is a selection of MILPERs that were recently published. Unit S1s should. Associated AR/DA PAM/AD. . "Soldiers First!" Site Map |. Reference A is rescinded on the effective date of this message. Phone Number: 1-888-ARMYHRC. Change to Publication Date of HQDA By-Name List and HQDA Cutoff Scores - Effective with . This MILPER message announces changes to the Regular Army Selective Retention Bonus (SRB) program. DSN Phone Number: 983-9500. Reference A is rescinded on the effective date of this message. Contact via Email. MILPER message 21-166 has been RESCINDED. S. MILPER Message Number 23-022 Proponent AHRC-PDV-PE Title Junior Enlisted Promotions SPC and SGT Weapon and Army Physical Fitness Test Promotion Points in the Integrated Personnel and Pay System – Army (IPPS-A). Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military. S. AR 600-8-10 (Leaves and Passes), 15 Feb 06 (RAR, 4 Aug 11) B. The expiration date of a MILPER Message and/or Memorandum will not exceed 365 days from date of issuance. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. Phone Number: 1-888-ARMYHRC. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. An HQDA selection board will convene on or about 10 Jul 19 to. 'hvluhg flyloldq hgxfdwlrq dqg fuhghqwldov %dfkhoru¶v ghjuhh ru kljkhu lq wkh iroorzlqj frqfhqwudwlrqv exvlqhvv kxpdq uhvrxufhv pdqdjhphqw ohjdo%PDF-1. This is a great opportunity to advance your medical career and serve your country. MILPER Message 23-312 describes participant attendance and participation. Visit our HRC Enlisted Promotion. Many MOSs are currently eligible for selective retention bonuses are. Issued: 01 Feb 2021. This MILPER message is effective immediately and will expire 31 July 2021. Originally HRC said it would be published by the end of October. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. disclaimer. COMDTINST 1500. MILPER Message 22- 402 for additional information (click . Contact via Email. USAR AGR Soldiers are scheduled by HRC 90-120 days prior to class start date based on the highest number of promotion points and Army promotion requirements by militaryWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Training site is the Soldier’s “Place of Duty” for duration of the course. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. A new DD93 will become available on/about 27 April 2023 in IPPS-A. Keep searching HRC MILPER for keywords, not by a msg number. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. MILPER message 21-166 has been RESCINDED. Authy Powered by Twilio. Enlisted Soldiers must reenlist prior to PCS to meet the SRR. WASHINGTON – The U. U. TAP helps transitioningTitle: MILPER Author: PuenteME Created Date: 3/24/2023 12:45:04 PMTitle: MILPER Author: PuenteME Created Date: 5/22/2023 11:48:49 AMMilper #: 21-202 Proponent: AHRC-OPH-C Issued: 05 Jun 2021 Expires: 01 Jun 2022 Subject:Administrative Support to Graduate Medical Education (GME). Phone. The line of effort for processing early promotions related to the Soldier Referral Program (SRP) is changed from unit S1s to the US Army Human Resources Command. 23 May 22 06 Jun 22 5 Jul 22 26-30 Sep 22 8 Aug 22 15 Aug 22 12 Sep 22 13. Sort by:MILPER Message 20-339, dated 13 October 2020, Subject: FY21 Regular Army (RA)/United States Army Reserve (USAR) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) SSG Evaluation Board Announcement Message. Upload . TikTok. 02/02/2022. disclaimer. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to:MILPER Message 23-017 Amendments to the Army Body Composition Program MILPER 23-017 issued 12 Jan 22 Guidance for conducting Confirmatory Body Fat Percent Assessment for the Army Body Composition Program (ACBP)original sound - Digital 4856. 805Z" HRC. MILPER Messages – Unit S1 and MPD personnel and Soldiers should review the following messages: 21-044, 21-045, 21-205, 21-419, 21. Board Dates. Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for USG-authorized purpose. Johnson) Pages: 130 (AFRC) OPR: HQ AFRC/A4RM Supersedes: AFI23-201_AFRCSUP_I, 2 November 2012 Certified by: HQ AFRC/A4R (Mr. MILPER Messages – Unit S1 and MPD personnel and Soldiers should review the following messages: 21-044, 21-045, 21-205, 21-419, 21. The guidance was released on 9 Feb which was halfway through the FY23 SSG Evaluation and the board closed I believe 18 Feb. All packets are due NLT 15 September 2023 to the Senior Enlisted Aide Advisor. 1. Contribute to codewithfan/milper-23202 development by creating an account on GitHub. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. DSN Phone Number: 983-9500. Reference Paragraph 2 is changed:a. For questions regarding MILPER Messages, please contact the proponent of the MILPER Message or the US Army Human Resources Contact Center. 1. Reference A is rescinded on the effective date of this message. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to:The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. For questions regarding MILPER Messages, please contact the proponent of the MILPER Message or the US Army Human Resources Contact Center. 2. A. These processes were previously address in AFI 36-2649, AFGM 2016-01 dated 16 August 2016, Voluntary Education Program dated 1 October 2014 and operationalize the DoDI 1322. Military students are required to attend one of the Military Service In-Briefs on 31 Jul, 1 Aug or 2 Aug 2023 . S. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. PERS-911. All Soldiers must begin the TAP process NLT 365. If that’s an indicator for Octobers list then hopefully we get a message by February. 9. The intent of this message is to disseminate information on recent changes to Permanent Change of Stations (PCS) orders processing requirements resulting from the Chief of Staff of the Army’s Advisory Board. Army MILPER 23-202 The #priority of #attendance generally falls into the below categories: #Tier_3_Soldiers 18 to 24 years old First-term enlistments Involuntarily separating due to force shaping. The Army Career Skills Program leverages the DoD SkillBridge Program to give transitioning service members the opportunity to participate in employment skills training, on-the-job training, and pre-apprenticeships and internships up to 180 days before the end of their active service — with a good probability of employment in high-demand. (2) AMEDD officers other than AOC 67 and 70 series with an MRD between 13 Sep 21 and 30 Sep 23 may apply to this board; however they must simultaneously submit an MRD extension request, under Title 10 USC, Section 14703 requesting sufficient time to fulfill the command tenure. government (usg) information system (is) that is provided for usg-authorized use only. At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data. Refer to MILPER Message 21-419 for additional information. Phone Number: 1-888-ARMYHRC. Change to Publication Date of HQDA By-Name List and HQDA Cutoff Scores - Effective with 01 December 2021 promotion month, the on/about publication date is changed to on/around the 20th calendar day of each month. • personally procured moves are likely the best option for moves that have no flexibility in pickup dates – conus and alaska only. Promotion webpage by clicking. Pub/Form Title. milper message 23-411, guidance for conducting ask care escort suicide intervention training (ace-si), issued: [10/2/2023 11:56:33 am]. MILPER Message 20-332, AHRC-EPF-R, 8 October 2020, subject: Special MOS Alignment Promotion Program (SMAPP). MILPER Message Number 18-347, AHRC-PDVO-PO, subject: Announcement of the Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19), Reserve Component (RC), Lieutenant Colonel (LTC), Selective Continuation (SELCON) Board. 2. 07/22/2021. Questions concerning the location of the new changed procedural guidance after the expiration of the message should be directed to the message proponent. Issued:[6/16/2023 3:03:08 PM]. government (usg) information system (is) that is provided for usg-authorized use only. Subj: RESERVE COMPONENT (RC) USE OF ELECTRONIC-BASED DISTRIBUTED LEARNING (EBDL) METHODS FOR TRAINING Ref: (a) Title 10, United States Code U. This message will expire 15 Oct 20. 8K subscribers in the ArmyOCS community. MILPER Message 23-038. AHRC-PDV-PE SUBJECT: HQDA Promotion Point Cutoff Scores for 1 May 2022. UF 601-37. 01 December 2021 promotion month, the on/about publication date is changed to on/around the 20th calendar day of each month. Check out MILPER Message 23-202 for more details. Issued: [12 May 2023]. The line of effort for processing early promotions related to the Soldier Referral Program (SRP) is changed from unit S1s to the US Army Human Resources Command. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. BUPERS-31. G. MILPER Message 20-209, 8 July 2020, subject: Elimination of Department of Army (DA) Photos, and Race, Ethnicity and Gender Identification Data for Officer, and Enlisted Department of the Army Centralized Selection Boards. . Current Retention Bonuses. The numbers under ret൩rement planning policy reflect all Soldiers in all three compos that have 17 or more years of service towards retirement. Cap is 40-hours a week for No More Than 17 total weeks. Phone Number: 1-888-ARMYHRC. ARMY COMBAT FITNESS TEST. Unit Of Issue (s) WEB. 2. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the relevent and pertinent. (IWC) Officer Selection and Assignment to O-4 Milestone and Leadership, and O-5 and O-6 Milestone and Command Billets. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to:research for scheduling along with the scheduling priorities outlined in this MILPER. S1NET Message Summary - 23 May 23. , authentication and access controls) to protect. Contact via Email. Active Duty applicants must be a Sergeant in a promotable status (E-5(P) orWelcome to MILPER Message Index. 23 April 2023 / 24 April 2023 / 19 June 2023 / Medical Logistics Officer Course # 8B-70K67 / Class # 2023-232 / Joint Base San Antonio – Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Unit S1s should. 2. Pub/Form Number. Contact via Email. MILPER MESSAGE 23-211, ANNOUNCEMENT OF CALENDAR YEAR (CY) 2022 GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR LEADERSHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS, ISSUED: [6/5/2023 10:02:22 AM]. Must meet general eligibility requirements IAW AR 135-100, 1 September 1994.